ABOUT image
Starting in 2024, a new name enters the world of historical fiction.

Alistair Forrest has signed contracts for seven novels set during the Roman Republic’s 1st Century BC upheavals across the Mediterranean, Gaul and Britannia, together with a reimagining of the Biblical tale of David and Goliath.

A journalist and editor, he’s been writing these tales largely as hobby, drawing on an upbringing in Syria, Lebanon and Qatar, and a six-year sojourn in Spain on the very site where Julius Caesar fought his last battle against the sons of Pompey the Great.

All of his books go beyond the cut-and-thrust of ancient warfare and delve into different cultures, the strength of covenant between unlikely characters, political intrigue and eye-opening invention. You’ll find the bonds of trust go beyond the human, which let’s face it is often untrustworthy, into nature and the animal world where politics and the sword don’t count for much.

And as the son of a Royal Navy officer, it’s hardly surprising he frequently dives into ancient sea-faring adventure, always anchored in historical fact but with outcomes that question accepted academic norms.

Look out for these titles in the coming months:

SEA OF FLAMES – the skipper of a Greek merchant ship vows revenge on Mark Antony after the Roman general murders his father.

LIBERTAS – an idyllic community in southern Spain finds itself slap bang in the middle of a war between Caesar and Pompey’s sons. NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.

VIPERS OF ROME – an ageing centurion and his right-hand man are recruited to Marcus Agrippa’s spy network and sent to sort out rebellion in Sicily. NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.

LINE IN THE SAND – his mother is reviled as a whore and his brothers hate him, but his calling is to take on an awesome foe and save his people. Coming soon from Sapere Books.

ISLE OF THE DEAD – the first in The Britannia Conspiracy series set against a backdrop of Julius Caesar’s two incursions to Britain during his brutal conquest of Gaul. To be published in 2025 by Sapere Books.

“I’m delighted to be working with the wonderful team at Sapere Books,” says Forrest, “and I look forward to connecting with an audience that wants something fresh and different from their historical fiction reading.”

He moved to the island of Alderney with his wife Lynda in 2019, along with their two Maremmas Kiki and Lucca and Spanish cat Achilles. Between them, Alistair and Lynda have five children and five grandchildren.

'Not In The Script' – NITS for short – an author’s ramblings about sources of inspiration and the stuff that never quite makes it into a finished work, or conversely pushes the boundaries of what might have been true if we dared to think it. Have a look and sign up (free).