Sea of Flames

Sea of Flames

A thrilling tale of the Battle of Actium, 31 BC

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Angry youth, vengeful pirate

Angry youth, vengeful pirate

Why Sextus Pompey turned bad...

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Julius Caesar marched through my garden

Julius Caesar marched through my garden

A peaceful olive grove near a small Spanish town that will have witnessed the full force of Caesar's legions.

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The Thrill of the Chase

The Thrill of the Chase

How an obscure Greek ship's captain came to light while reading Plutarch. Now the hero of new book published by Sapere Books.

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Who was Goliath?

Who was Goliath?

An author begs forgiveness from Biblical historians and religious chroniclers and hopes you'll enjoy his reimagining of a well-known tale.

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Short Story – The Harpax Agenda

Short Story – The Harpax Agenda

Roman general and spymaster Marcus Agrippa is about to stumble upon a weapon to win a war – but who can you trust?

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